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If you don't use your phone alarm, set a regular alarm or use sticky notes. To challenge yourself, take a Breath Break 3x daily! Your body and mind will thank you.

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Try this exercise today to strengthen your triceps. It can be done with dumbbells or resistance bands, at home or at the gym. Combine with a few other exercises to develop a simple 10 minute workout that you can follow through with daily. Consistency is key!

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Improve your health, mood, and focus with belly breathing:

1. Sit up straight or lay down flat.

2. Place your hands on your belly.

3. Imagine your belly is a balloon. Breathe in through

your nose, and allow your belly to inflate, as though

you‘re filling it with air. Keep your chest still.

4. Breathe out through your mouth, as though you’re

blowing a candle out; allow your belly to deflate

while exhaling.

Try this breathing exercise 5 times (or more) to

reset your mind and body.

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