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Golf is a game that you can play well into your late 80s, 90s, maybe even 100. I realized as I got older, fitness was #1 as far as being able to play well — being strong, flexible, etc. Young or old, it’s important to stay in shape. Even though you can play golf at any age, it’s vital to stay strong and flexible to prevent injury.

Our programs and YouTube videos are aimed at helping you maximize your potential to play good golf at every stage of life. Whether your goal is to be club champion, compete with your buddies, or just enjoy a day on the course, your fitness is key to your enjoyment of the game of golf. Which of our programs speaks to your golf goals?

10 Minutes to Golf Fitness:

Every Day I am Improving my Golf Habits: a 15-Week Summer Program:

Golf Vacation Prep - Mini Workouts & Meal Guide:

Your Ageless Fat Loss Plan:

Follow-along with our exercise routines, stretches, and yoga on YouTube:

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Get into your best possible shape, no matter what your age, body type, or fitness level. You don’t have to overdo it trying to get a ripped beach body, which is unrealistic for most people!

You only need 10 minutes a day to start playing better golf and feeling better. We’ll also help you reduce golf injury by working on your strength and flexibility. I’m not a doctor or professional trainer — just your everyday golf lover who likes to compete with his buddies on the course.

I’ll show you simple techniques that work for me, without complicated rituals or extensive gym training. Become as strong and flexible as you can possibly be, at whatever stage of life you’re in. If you're ready to commit 10 minutes a day to better golf and fitness, join the challenge here:

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Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Is it tough to stay in shape on vacation? It doesn't have to be. Some simple habits and mindful choices can help you stay fit and healthy so that you can enjoy your vacation and play golf at your holiday best.

Check out our Golf Vacation Prep program -- we'll guide you along a simple fitness journey providing golf exercises, meal guides, and tools to keep you on track. This program is designed to help you get and stay in good golf shape before, during, and after your dream golf vacation! Link: Golf Vacation Prep Program

Our programs are designed for golfers of all levels, and are suitable for beginner, intermediate, and advanced golfers, as well as seniors and older golfers. The exercises should be modified and customized as described to suit your individual fitness level.

Regardless of your age or athletic level, consistent exercise is key to playing golf well and avoiding injury. A consistent exercise routine can also boost your mobility and daily energy levels. Additionally, a quick workout is easier to maintain consistently long-term.

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