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Log your way to success

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Studies show that when you write down your goals, and keep track of your achievements, you are much more likely to succeed.

This is why our Vacation Flex Program recommends you not only set goals for yourself, but also log your progress - daily.

Maybe you’d like to live longer, feel happier, or look better in a swimsuit. Whatever your motivation, this important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only help you keep your goals in sight, it will also help them feel realistic and attainable!

Tips for tracking your progress

Whatever your overarching lifestyle goals are, developing a beautiful, manageable daily log of your progress towards them will drastically help you improve your overall health. From white boards, to food and fitness journals, to meal planning and workout tracking apps, there are many ways to log your progress.

And while we offer an excellent logging method in our Vacation Flex Program, it may not be the best route for you. So, we have put together a list of elements that make for a fun, useful, and easily implementable logging system.

So, grab a pen and piece of paper, or open your notes app, and let’s get started!

1. Make a list of goals

Draft 2 to 4 goals (keep it light) along with a few very brief reasons below each as to why each aspect is important to you, so you can check them off as you go.

  • Examples:

    • Goal - “Increase my endurance”

    • Reasons - “Keep up with Tom on his morning jog” - “Play with grand-kids at the park for 20 minutes”

Pro tip: Make your list cheery by using bright colours, sparkles, stickers, or pictures that visually represent your goals; and hang it in a high traffic spot, such as: your fridge, mirror, or bedside table - where you can see it every day.

2. Create a “Daily Log”

Choose a nice notebook to use as a log book, or a whiteboard that you can photograph and print out later, and choose any or all of the following to keep track of:

  • Date (at the top)

  • Wake/Sleep - times

  • Mood - description

  • Weather - description

  • Weight/dress size - description

  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack & Dinner) - times & descriptions

  • Water intake - checklist (2L minimum per day, or 8 glasses of water)

  • Caffeine intake - checklist (400 mg max per day, or 1 to 2 cups)

  • Exercise routine - times and descriptions (you can even break it down further into the following:)

  • *Notes - snapshot journal entries

Pro tip: You can also use our easy to use Vacation Flex Logging System and Meal Guide.

3. Create your ideal routine

Either on the first page of your log book, or as your first run through on your whiteboard, fill out your log list to create your ideal schedule and use it as a reference in the days and weeks to come.

Pro tip: Put a copy of this up next to your goals list so you can look at it every day!

4. Log your progress daily

Fill out your daily log and do your best to meet your goals. Whether you write down your goals and track your progress in point form using any of the methods mentioned above, nothing is as satisfying as checking off your goals.

Pro tip: Don't spend too much time writing a lot, just try to give yourself a snap-shot of how your day went in as few words as possible.

5. BONUS: Making notes

Writing down mini journal entries in your notes section is a very important part of the process that we highly recommend. Noting every success and frustration, either as you go, or at the end of your day, every day by keeping it short, sweet, and to the point will help you take a snapshot of your progress. It will help you know what you're good at (celebrate!) and what you need to work on (progress!)

Pro tip: Here are some examples of the *Notes you may write:

Whatever your goals are, the proof is in the science. Logging your progress is the magic ingredient that will help you hit your personal wellness bullseye! You can take your goals to the next level by tracking your journey.

To get started on your logging journey, try our Vacation Flex Program free for 7 days!

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